RECTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT - Parish Annual Meeting 2011

This is my 8th annual report as the Rector of All Saints’, and, as everyone is aware, it will be my last report as your Rector. Usually I have given a review of the past year, referred to significant events and thanked various people. This report will be a little different.


In reporting on 2010 I will mention 3 things - firstly, the office staff. We have fairly new people in the office, Kim Niemietz & Lea Gray. Both are proving a wonderful asset to the parish. They will be a great team for the next Rector, as well as all those responsible for the parish administration in the transition that lies ahead.

I would like to express my appreciation to Kathryn Dreyer, who came in February at a moment’s notice, to be the administrative assistant. She had a difficult job, as there were no files left on the computer, nor previous bulletins to refer to. Kathryn did it well, and paved the way for Melissa Lamar, who joined us in March.

The second thing from last year is that the Vestry decided to pay its diocesan pledge in full for the first time. This is an indication of the financial strength of our parish, which has been steadily growing over the past 7 years. Part of that is the financial commitment of the people of our parish. In the current economic climate this is no small achievement.

Finally I would like to report that during 2010 we had the first full audit of the parish accounts since I have been Rector. This was a long time coming. You can see the results in our annual reports, which, for the first time lists all our assets.


I now wish to offer some reflections on my 7.5 years as Rector. It is no secret that in 2003 I was not quite sure if God was calling me to All Saints. What most of you don’t know is that what convinced me were the people I met when I came to be interviewed. I fell in love with the people, and felt that I wanted to be their priest!

You may think this is a rather unusual thing to say. But you are wonderful people, and together we have done some marvelous things. We have been blessed by God, priest and people together.

It is very important for me to say this. You, the people of this parish have made my heart glad by your response to my leadership. This parish has grown in every way. Attendance and membership are obvious indicators. I think we are the only parish where the 8.00 am Mass has continually grown! Also you have grown spiritually, and in your faith. One leads to another – and the foundation is worship and fellowship.


All Saints’ has always had at its heart traditional Anglocatholic worship. Our Sunday Masses are inspiring. So many people contribute to this – altar guild, acolytes, flower guild, readers, organist, choir, sidesmen, greeters, coffee hour. If I tried to thank you all I would certainly omit someone. There are 2 important people who have been both a privilege & joy to work with: Our altar guild president, Norma Dreyer, & our organist, Robert MacLeod. One of things that delighted me as Rector was how the music kept improving each year. Some Sundays I thought I was in Heaven - & that was just at the gospel procession!

However excellent our worship is, let me remind you of something I have said from time to time. Being Anglocatholic is more than traditional liturgy & good music. It is about what we believe & practice. This is what makes All Saints’ different to other parishes - & so worth belonging to. It is also the reason we have continually grown, whilst much of the Episcopal Church is losing members.


Over the years we have gradually improved our buildings. The removal of the carpet in the church was an important project, and the result stunning, especially with the acoustics. Perhaps the great achievement was the retro-fitting of the parish hall in 2006. That was when the finances of the parish were still difficult, and we raised the $70,000 needed in just 6 weeks! Your commitment was crucial, and we were not disappointed.

There is much to acknowledge of what you have achieved during these 7.5 years. There were also issues to deal with. The most significant was the closing of the Day School. This was a very difficult decision, involving long discussions and agony at Vestry level. In another parish it might have been too much. But we did not avoid the issues, as hard as it was to face them.


This parish now faces an unusual time. You will have to search for a priest to be your new rector and choose the man you want. The transition period will be difficult, and you may be tempted to slacken your commitment, particularly to worship. I want to say 2 things:

+ If people leave the parish because I am no longer Rector, it will not be a compliment to my ministry.

+ God has already chosen the next Rector – you just have to find him!

This is the time when the parish must be united, focused and enthusiastic. You are the unique Anglocatholic parish of All Saints’, San Diego, and are a gift to any prospective Rector. Be energized and ready to welcome him.


I finish on a personal note. In the January parish magazine I tried to express my thanks to you all. As I have said, All Saints’ has been a wonderful climax to my ministry. You have helped me celebrated some important events in my life – my 25th & 30th anniversaries of ordination, and my 60th birthday. There was also my surgery in 2005, when you supported me so wonderfully well. Now you are expressing your thanks and appreciation to me, & it is slightly overwhelming. In the end we must give thanks to God, for he brought us together. And it has been wonderful!