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Evensong and Benediction 

On the evening of November 3rd at 5:00 p.m. The choir will sing Solemn Evensong and have Benediction. The choir will present the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Charles V. Stanford. The anthem will be Ralph Vaughan Williams' "O HOW AMIABLE ARE THY DWELLINGS."  This is a wonderful worship service.  In addition we will have the service of adoration of the Lord's presence in the service called Benediction. This service of reverence provides the faithful with an opportunity to worship Him as He extends His risen and glorified life in heaven to be present sacramentally with His people on earth. It had its origin in the heightened devotion of the faithful to the Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic Gifts. Also in the practice of blessing the faithful with some sacred object such as a crucifix, a relic of a saint, or the Consecrated Bread of the Eucharist. Benediction is done using a monstrance. A monstrance is a vessel made to look like a sunburst. In the center is a round space with a clear glass face. Into this space is placed a Luna which is a two sided hinged clear glass container which holds the consecrated priest host.

After Evensong the Priest opens the Tabernacle and places the Priest Host in the Luna and then into the Monstrance which is placed on the Altar. The Priest then descends the steps and the Hymns "O Saving Victim…" and "Therefore we, before him bending…" are sung. Then the Priest says, "Thou gavest them bread from heaven." And the people respond "Containing in itself all sweetness."  Followed by the Collect

Then the Humeral Veil is placed across the Priest's shoulders and he ascends the steps and taking the Monstrance wrapped in the Humeral Veil, he blesses the people with the Blessed Sacrament.

The Priest places the Monstrance back on the Altar and descends the Altar steps and kneels and the antiphons are repeated.

Silence is kept for a short time for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after which the ending responses are said.

The priest goes back up to the Altar and puts the Blessed Sacrament away in the Tabernacle.
A closing hymn is sung.

On November 3rd the people will proceed to the Parish Hall for the prepared dinner. Please make your reservation. The deadline for reservations is Nov 1st.

It is the hope that the service of Evensong and Benediction will be a regular monthly service here at All Saints'.
On occasions it will be a choral Evensong.