Christ is Risen; Alleluia!   The Lord has Risen indeed; Alleluia !

Sunday Services

Father Carlos celebrating Mass
10am Sunday Mass -
Attend in person or join us on Zoom from home. Click here for the
The 10am Sunday Mass is recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
youtube logo
Spanish Mass at 1:00pm -
Held Sundays each month (except 3rd Sundays) in St. Mary Chapel

Weekly Services

Father Carlos preaching at streamed service on Zoom
Tuesday Noon Service -
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.

Joins for the The Rosery -
First Tuesday of the month
Held in St. Mary's Chapel, at 11:30am.

Fridays in Lent:
The Great Litany , at 11:30am
Via Crucis (the Stations of the Cross) at Noon
Way of Love Lenten Study Group , at 12:40pm

Fridays at 10am morning Prayer -
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.

Christian Formation -
In the Fr.Carlo's Office, on the second and fourth Sundays of each month after the 10am Mass

First Saturday Mass -
Rosary at 11am and Mass at 11:30am
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.
Usually on the first Saturday of the month.
Lent Logo Lent Theme Logo Lent Theme Logo Lent Theme Logo

Ash Wednesday
March 5th, Services

  • 7:00am Mass with Imposition of Ashes(St. Mary Chapel)
  • Noon Mass with Imposition of Ashes(St. Mary Chapel)
  • 7:00pm Solemn Mass with Imposition of Ashes

Friday Lent Schedule

Every Friday until and including Good Friday:

The Great Litany in the Chapel at 11:30am.
The Stations of the Cross in the Church at Noon.

Lamb window at All Saints' Lamb window at All Saints'

Holy Week

April 13th - Palm Sunday
        10am Mass - Gather in the courtyard for the blessings
            of palms, and procession around the church.
April 15th - Holy Tuesday
         Noon Mass
April 16th - Holy Wednesday
        7pm Service of Tenebrae
April 17th - Maundy Thursday
        7pm Mass with solemn Agape meal
        Vigil in St. Mary’s Chapel 8pm to 10pm

April 18th - Good Friday
        Vigil in St. Mary’s Chapel 9am to noon
        Stations of the Cross at noon
        Good Friday service at 7pm

April 19th - Holy Saturday
        Holy Saturday Liturgy at 10am
        Easter Vigil at 8pm - Starts in the Courtyard

April 20st - Easter Day
        Easter Mass at 10am

This Sunday and Beyond
Our weekly blog reflecting on the Sunday readings.

For All the Saints Newsletter
FATS February 2025 March 2025

Weekly News and Events at All Saints' Click Here
Events, News, Concerts, Sermons and Service Opportunities


All Saints' is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. We are an Anglo-Catholic parish using Rite One of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.

Our 8:00am Sunday service is a Low Mass without music providing a very reverent service.

Sunday School for ages 4–12 takes place during the 10:30am Solemn Mass and our Adult Formation Class at 9:30am is an open forum led by our Rector.

Our 10:30am service is a Solemn or a Solemn High Mass with full choir and organ, sung prayers, and incense.

Child care is available for children under 5 years of age during Sunday services.
Please join us in worship at one of our several services and Masses. Sunday Mass is at 10am in the church. The Sunday Mass is also live on Zoom and a recording will be posted on our Facebook page for those not able to join us in person.

If you are looking for a new parish home or just visiting San Diego come worship with us. All Saints' welcomes all and is eager to greet you personally. We are a warm, friendly, optimistic congregation.

All Saints' Chaple nativity window

Streamed Services
Click here to go to our YouTube channel to watch recorded Sunday Masses.

Blessing of the Animals October 13th, 2024

See our Picture page for more event pictures

Visit the All Saints Instagram page for the most resent images: All Saints' Episcopal Church on Instagram
All Saints' Episcopal Church on Instagram

All Saints Church from the outside click on Pictures for larger view.
Church tour images Church tour images Church tour images Church tour images Church tour images Church tour images Church tour images