All Saints' Episcopal Church
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This week's reflection and calendar

Saturday, June 3rd at 4:00pm

Because of the Rock ‘n’ Roll 5K Marathon on Sunday, June 4 and the closing of streets and thruways to accommodate the marathon, the Vestry has decided to hold Pentecost services on Saturday, June 3 at 4:00pm to be followed by a parish dinner catered by “Phil’s BBQ”. Please make a note of this service schedule change on your calendar.

This Sunday and Beyond
Our weekly blog reflecting on the Sunday readings.

Last Sunday's bulletin, in PDF format.
10 13 2024~Pentecost 21 ~ SOLEMN MASS BULLETIN YR-B.pdf

Societies of Mary

The Societies of Mary gathering will be held on the second Saturday, April 1st at 11am.

Please join us. We do the rosary first – you don’t need to even have a rosary to easily participate – and then we have the Eucharist. Father Expósito will be the celebrant.

The total time is less than an hour and a half. Newcomers are always welcome. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We will adjourn to a light lunch after the Eucharist.

We look forward to your joining us.

In Memory Of Bernadette Igtiben Dreyer

Zoom link: Click here
see image for ID and passcode.

The Stewardship Committee thanks parishioners for their generous Good Friday and Easter offerings. The Good Friday offering of $243 will be given to the Diocese of Jerusalem for its work in the Holy Land. Easter offerings received through April 24 totaled $2,029, and the Vestry has decided that half of this amount will be allocated to support the charitable work of our Social Action Committee.


Christian Formation - 2nd and 4th Sundays,after Mass at 11:30am

Christian Formation will resume in April.

A new book study will start in July to read and discuss Adam Nicolson’s book “God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Book of the Bible”.

In “God's Secretaries”, Adam Nicolson gives a fascinating and dramatic account of the era of the King James Bible and its translation, immersing us in an age whose greatest monument is not a painting or a building but a book.” (A review from Amazon Books.)

You can purchase the book on Amazon or Abe Books. The cost is less than $8 for a used paper back in good condition.

A podcast is available on YouTube with Dennis Praeger interviewing the author Adam Nicolson. Click here.

Join us in July on Sunday, July 9 and July 23 to discuss the amazing story of the making of the King James bible by a committee!

Help Ukrainian Refugees

Specific needs will change as the crisis evolves. As of right now, there is a need for food, water, and shelter. Please consider partnering with Episcopal Relief & Development in this Response.

Give at 


A Requiem Mass for Rose Marie True, who passed away on Sunday, November 8, 2020 will be celebrated on Saturday, March 19 at 11am.

Rose Marie, her husband and five children were active members of All Saints’ for over 40 years. All her children either taught Sunday School, sang in the choir or were Acolytes. Rose Marie was an active member and head of the Altar Guild with her daughter, Katherine, for many years.

Please join us as we celebrate the life of a faithful member of All Saints’ and welcome her family as they return to All Saints’ for this time of remembrance.

Following the mass a luncheon will be served in the Parish Hall. All are invited.

San Diego Music Coterie

Sunday, October 2 at 3PM
All Saints’ Parish Hall

The Greater San Diego Music Coterie presents its opening concert for the 12th Season at All Saints Episcopal Church with selections from Bizet’s L’Arlésienne and Dvorák’s Symphony No. 8 in G major, Op. 88, featuring the Greater San Diego Chamber Orchestra and soprano Emily Ortlieb, a member of All Saints’ Choir.

S Emily began her musical training as a pianist at the age of 5 in her home of Algonquin, Illinois. Under the supervision of her beloved late teacher, Mr. Robert Hart, Emily began working in local churches at age 12 as a pianist, organist, and eventually soprano soloist. She received her Bachelor's degree in Voice Performance from the University of Illinois School of Music, and spent nearly 3 years in Austria with the Fulbright Program. As an operatic soprano, Emily has made a name for herself as a soloist at the world premiere of Spanish composer Pablo Croissier's choral works, and has sung the roles of Sophie (Der Rosenkavalier), Ophelie (Hamlet), and Euridyce (Orpheus in der Unterwelt).

Additionally, Ms. Ortlieb holds a law degree from the University of Minnesota and currently works as a legal associate for the UN Refugee Agency. She is a passionate advocate for refugees, stateless persons, and neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Emily is overjoyed to share her musical talents with the San Diego Coterie and the community of San Diego. She firmly believes in the power of music as a uniter of human beings and communities the world over.

All performers have been fully vaccinated, including the booster.

Admission is free with free-will donation at the door. Masks are recommended, but not required

Visit program updates and more information.

All Saints' Soprano Lead In Recital

Elizabeth Gaitan’s Senior Recital will be held on Friday, October 7 at 7:30pm in SDSU’s Smith Recital Hall. Elizabeth will be singing music of Mozart, Verdi, Duke and Obradors. All are invited to hear Elizabeth present her Senior Recital.

The link for parking and directions to Smith Recital Hall.

Christian Formation and First Communion Instruction
for Children(ages 5-12)

Sundays from 10 to 10:45 a.m.
For registration, call (619) 298-7729
or email us at

Formación Cristiana y clases de Primera Comunión para niños y niñas
(de 5 a 12 años)
Domingos de 10 a 10:45 a.m.
Para la matrícula llame al (619) 298-7729
o envíenos un correo electrónico a esta dirección:

Learning Another Language

Are you interested in learning Spanish? Here is a wonderful opportunity to become conversational in Spanish taught by Fr. Carlos. Classes held at All Saints’ and open to the greater community. They will be free of charge (but voluntary contributions are accepted).

Please let Fr. Carlos know by email or Louise Lawson.

Spanish Class meets on Thursdays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in the Flower Room. Class is taught by Fr. Carlos.

Social Action Committee News

We are now in Eastertide ... a time of joy, renewal, flowers, and warmer weather ... but not so much so for some of our neighbors! The luxury of heating, hot meals, fresh water, clean clothes, and dry shelter are staples for most of us reading this. But all around us are folks who have none of these things readily available to them.

Let us show them our love and charity with continued support of the Scripps/Mercy ER and the local food bank — Serra-Mesa Food Bank.

Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!!

All Saints' Social Action Committee!

All Saints' Memorial Garden News

Parishioners and Friends! If you would like flowers for an arrangement come and cut flowers from our Memorial Garden. The chrysanthemums are in full bloom and very colorful.

To obtain the gate lock combination call the church office at 619-298-7729 or visit the church office Monday thru Friday 9am to 3:30pm.

Suggested Reading From

Dane Neufeld: The Bears Return, the Wonder of the Wild

“Even brief glimpses of these amazing creatures have filled me with fear, wonder, and gratitude, for like all of God’s creation, in its myriad ways, a bear’s simple existence speaks of something powerful and profound far beyond our little lives. It speaks of the Creator.”
Read On

Robert Hendrickson: The Trinity, Orthodoxy, and Our Common Story

“We have the word of Jesus to rely upon. We have his word that he and the Father are one as we should be one. We have his word that the Holy Spirit will come among us. We have his word that we now have the glorious gift of calling God Our Father, for we are heirs of the kingdom.”
Read On

Note: All Saints' Church is an Associate of The Living Church
and the Covenant is the weblog of the Living Church Foundation

Preschool Christmas Recital
December 13 at 5pm

The children and teachers of All Saints’ Preschool will present their annual Christmas celebration and recital at 5 p.m. on Friday, December 13 in the church, followed by refreshments in the parish hall. Accompanied by Father Wayne Sanders on guitar, the children will sing selected Christmas songs and will follow the star to Bethlehem, where they will find the baby Jesus in the manager. Members and friends of the parish are invited to join the preschool family for this beautiful evening to celebrate the birth of Jesus. An offering will be taken, with proceeds to benefit St. Jude’s Research Hospital.

Enhance Your Christian Formation as Anglicans

From Fr. Carlos - Here is a link to a study material that can enhance your Christian formation as Anglicans. It may be used individually, in families or in small groups and divided up into sessions as appropriate. We encourage you all to study it to be better prepared to be faithful witnesses of our Lord within the Anglican tradition.

Click here to link to a PDF of the book.


All Saints' Prayer Chain We welcome you to join our prayer chain so you can pray for the requests that we receive.

Prayer is used in a multitude of ways to seek comfort, make a request, ask for guidance, heal and restore, express sorrow, celebrate joy or give thanks. 'The Prayers of the People' that is provided weekly in the back our bulletin is an updated list of everything and everyone on our prayer list and is an excellent resource to be used in our daily prayers. However, between these bulletins, situations arise that people need immediate prayers started. More information will be provided in future enews.

If you are interested in being included in the prayer chain or if you have additional questions or comments, please contact Pamela Gray throught the Parish.

Book Published

Todd Muffatti, member of our Vestry, has just published a book titled “Creative Successful Set Designs.” Filled with dozens of photos, illustrations and technical diagrams, the book guides theater teachers through the preparation and design steps necessary to build an appropriate and effective stage set. Using his 40-year career as a professional set designer and university professor Todd shares tips from his creative process and offers practical ideas about how to approach and accomplish imaginative set designs for High School, Jr. College, and little Theater Groups . His book is available from and in the Parish Office for your perusal.


Have you seen All Saints' Church YouTube channel?
Here is a new video From Palm Sunday Created by Fr. Schuneman with the help of John Gray III.

Parish life

Do you enjoy using your phone to take pictures of where you are? We're looking for photos of our parish life at All Saints’: parishioners as they arrive for Mass, or after Mass as they congregate on the patio, or are in the Parish Hall enjoying fellowship during the coffee hour, or at all parish events such as upcoming All Saints’ Sunday. If you do, please email your photos to Louise Lawson at:

Sunday Morning Childcare
We are excited to announce that our nursery is now being staffed through Panda's Domestic Referral Agency, which provides childcare for many churches in San Diego. All sitters are childcare professionals that have undergone a national background check and are Infant and Child CPR Certified.

Want to be an Acolyte?
We have a pressing need for additional Acolytes in order to continue our worship in the manner to which we have all grown accustom. This is particularly true for the 10:30 Mass. If you are seeking an opportunity to serve and think that you might be interested in serving at the Altar, come by the Acolyte room before or after the service to learn what we do.

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