Christ is Risen; Alleluia
The Lord has Risen indeed; Alleluia
The Lord has Risen indeed; Alleluia
SPECIAL NOTICE — Change to 11am Mass Time, June 2, 2024 only
The Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon will be held on June 2 starting at 6:15 am at Balboa Park.
To eliminate the difficulty of finding best routes to come to church that Sunday, the time of the mass has been changed to 11:00am.
Please note this on your calendar.
To eliminate the difficulty of finding best routes to come to church that Sunday, the time of the mass has been changed to 11:00am.
Please note this on your calendar.
Fr. Carlos Installed October 14th as the Thirteenth Rector of All Saints'

With Bishop Susan Snook's visit to All Saints’ on Sunday October 4th Fr. Carlos Expósito was installed as our thirteenth rector of All Saints' Church San Diego
Sunday Services

10am Sunday Mass -
Attend in person or join us on Zoom from home.
Click here for the
The 10am Sunday Mass is recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
Spanish Mass at 1:00pm -
Held Sundays each month (except 3rd Sundays) in St. Mary Chapel
Weekly Services

Tuesday Noon Service -
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.
Joins for the The Rosery -
First Tuesday of the month
First Tuesday of the month
Held in St. Mary's Chapel, at 11:30am.
Fridays in Lent:
The Great Litany , at 11:30am
Via Crucis (the Stations of the Cross) at Noon
Way of Love Lenten Study Group , at 12:40pm
Via Crucis (the Stations of the Cross) at Noon
Way of Love Lenten Study Group , at 12:40pm
Fridays at 10am morning Prayer -
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.
Christian Formation -
In the Fr.Carlo's Office, on the second and fourth Sundays of each month after the 10am Mass
First Saturday Mass -
Rosary at 11am and Mass at 11:30am
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.
Usually on the first Saturday of the month.
Held in St. Mary's Chapel.
Usually on the first Saturday of the month.

Memorial Service For Edith Thrumston
The memorial service for Edith Thrumston was held on Thursday, January 14.The service have been posted on our facebbok page at
Click here for the Service bulletin

Dear All Saints’ parishioners,
This coming Sunday (June 5th) the Church Universal celebrates the Feast of Pentecost, the occasion when Jesus’ first followers, gathered in Jerusalem for the Jewish Feast of the Weeks, also known as Shavuot—or Pentecost, in Greek—were powerfully filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaimed the Good News of Salvation in Jesus to the multilingual and multicultural crowd gathered in Jerusalem for the feast, and each of them heard the powerful message spoken in their own language.
Many consider this day as the Church’s birthday, since it was from this moment on that the first followers of Jesus’ New Way, filled with the unstoppable power of the Spirit, began their relentless proclamation of Jesus’ radical Way of Love, both in words and deeds, and as a result, the number of followers grew exponentially in a short time, as told in the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
We are all grieved and bewildered by the recent news of senseless and horrendous shootings taking place in this country, and the war waging in Eastern Europe. However, and precisely because of this hour of deep pain we are all going through, it becomes more imperative than even that we ask for the Holy Spirit’s comfort, discernment, and powerful inspiration, so that our words and actions are guided by Him in this crucial hour.
Let us celebrate Pentecost with all our being this coming Sunday and always, and show forth in our daily lives that we are worthy 21st-century followers of those who were so powerfully filled with the Spirit on this Day.
Father Carlos E. Expósito.

Ash Wednesday
February 14th, Services
7:00am Mass with Imposition of Ashes(St. Mary Chapel)Noon Mass with Imposition of Ashes(St. Mary Chapel)
7:00pm Solemn Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Friday Lent Schedule
February 16 through March 29 All Saints' Church11:30am Great Litany
Noon Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross)
12:40pm Way of Love Lenten Study Group
First Saturday Mass
Saturday, Feburary 3rd at 11am
Please join us at First Saturday Mass. Rosary first at 11am
Mass at 11:30am
Epiphany Mass
Friday, January 6th
Epiphany 10:00am Mass in All Saints' St. Mary Chapel.

Tuesday, October 4th
On Tuesday October 4 in recognition of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the environment, Fr. Carlos will be blessing animals in the Courtyard by the statue of St. Francis after the Tuesday mass at 1pm. All are welcome with their pets.

Next Sunday, February 4, we welcome Bishop Snook for her annual visitation, confirmation and reception of a new member. The plate offering on February 4 goes to the Bishop's discretionary fund.

Annual Fall Arts and Crafts Show
Nov. 13th
Parishioners and Friends: Join us for the Annual Fall Arts and Crafts Show and Sale with music and food on Sunday, November 13 in the Parish Hall from 9am to 2pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts and support the work of All Saints'.

Nell Leone Watling
Nell Leone Watling passed away on Sunday, April 28 having reach the age of 100 years. She celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends on Saturday, April 27 and then at a festive coffee hour the following day, Sunday April 28.
Nell Leone was All Saints’ Church Secretary for 52 years. During that time she served under the rectorship of Fr. Paul Satrang, Fr. Steven McClaskey and Fr. Tony Noble.
Every Sunday morning she attended mass and sat in the first pew surrounded by family members. Parishioners made a point of greeting her warmly.
A requiem mass will be held on Saturday, May 18th at 11:00am.

Fr. Tony's Visit -- June 9
It is a real joy for me to be back at All Saints on Sunday, June 9. For new parishioners, I am the Rector Emeritus, having served as Rector of All Saints from 2003-2011. They were 8 happy years for me and in my retirement I reflect on the wonderful people and beautiful Services - and the fun we had!The parish was different 20 years ago, of course. I brought a touch of enthusiasm and my Aussie humor - and parishioners had to get used to calling me Fr Tony instead of Fr Noble! It was a busy time - the Eucharist was celebrated every day, with 2 Masses on Sunday, as well as other Services and social events. And there was the parish school with its financial difficulties.
To come from Melbourne, Australia to California was a great adventure for me. I enjoyed getting to know parishioners and the community. For many years I had been visiting the US and preaching in various churches, but it was wonderful to actually live here and explore America. During that time I celebrated 3 personal milestones: my 25th and 30th anniversaries of ordination and my 60th birthday.
Since I retired and returned to Melbourne I have enjoyed assisting at the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in England and looking after Anglican Churches in Europe. Now I enjoy a more relaxed life in Australia, traveling around to follow my football team (Aussie Rules) and enjoying the company of old friends. I look forward to catching up with All Saints friends on June 9th.
Fr. Tony Noble

Annual Meeting Sunday, January 22th
Solemn Mass at 10:00 amAnnual Meeting at 11:30am
All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Because this meeting is required by the canons of The Episcopal Church to accomplish specific actions necessary for parish operation, all members of the parish are expected to attend as they are able. At this meeting we will present the 2023 Parish Budget, provide a report on 2022 and look forward at the year to come.
Prior to the meeting there will be a light lunch and cutting of the Epiphany cake.

-- Canon Ian Elliott Davies
This Sunday, April 14 please welcome our guest preacher, Canon Ian Elliott Davies.
Canon Ian Elliott Davies was born in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales and educated at the Universities of Wales and Cambridge. He graduated in 1985 with a BD Honours degree in theology before going on to Ridley Hall, Cambridge to pursue postgraduate study in systematic theology. He was ordained Deacon in 1988, then priest in 1989 in Llandaff Cathedral, South Wales and served in two parishes in the Diocese of Llandaff before being appointed as the Assistant Priest at All Saints’ Margaret Street in the Diocese of London where he served for seven years. In March 2002 he was elected by the Vestry of St Thomas the Apostle, Hollywood, as the eighth Rector. In 2014 he was made a Canon of the Diocese of Los Angeles and appointed Area Dean of the Incarnation (III) by Bishop Jon Bruno in 2015.
Canon Davies would dearly love to see a relationship develop between our two parishes. There are precious few Anglo-Catholic parishes on the West Coast of the USA and to share prayer and fellowship with the clergy, people and parish of All Saints’ San Diego would encourage our common witness to the sacramental life of Christ’s Holy Church immensely, as well as benefitting our respective parishes.
He looks forward immensely to visiting All Saints’ San Diego this Sunday and ask your prayers as he prepare to preach and travel to us!

Featuring Tasha Smith-Godinez, Harpist
Sunday, April 21st
The Grossmont Master Chorale (GMC) is East County’s answer to quality classical music performances. Under the musical direction of Randall Tweed, the ensemble is comprised of music and non-music majors, music teachers, and talented musicians from the community. Entrance to the choral ensemble is by audition only!
On April 21 in the church sanctuary their concert will include music for chorus and harp performed in multiple languages.
Guest artist, Tasha Smith-Godinez, harpist, is a lifelong musician who began her musical studies as a child with both the violin and harp and has continued to dedicate her life to making music ever since. Tasha has studied the harp internationally with acclaimed performers and instructors including Isabelle Perrin, Elena Mashkovtseva and Susan Allen.
Admission: $20 General;
$15 Seniors, Military;
$5 Students
Purchase tickets at or at the door the day of the concert.

Sunday, April 28th at 2:30pm
Parish Hall
The Greater San Diego Coterie presents its third annual Sound of Music Sing-Along, opening with selections from West Side Story.
All Saints’ choir lead soprano, Emily Ortlieb, mezzo-soprano lead Martha Jane Weaver, tenor lead, Dennis Williams will lead the sing-along of the most memorable songs from Sound of Music.
Join us to sing or listen and enjoy the performance, with songs including “Climb Every Mountain”, “I Have Confidence”, and “Edelweiss.“
Feel free to bring a blanket and sit in the Church Courtyard.
Free admission with free-will donation at the door.

Christmas Services
Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24
8:30pm Musical Offering
9:00pm Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25
10:00am Mass

Holy Week
March 24th - Palm Sunday10am Mass - Gather in the courtyard for the blessings
of palms, and procession around the church.
March 26th - Holy Tuesday
Noon Mass
March 27th - Holy Wednesday
7pm Service of Tenebrae
March 28th - Maundy Thursday
7pm Mass with solemn Agape meal
Vigil in St. Mary’s Chapel 8pm to 10pm
March 29th - Good Friday
Vigil in St. Mary’s Chapel 9am to noon
Stations of the Cross at noon
Good Friday service at 7pm
March 30th - Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday Liturgy at 10am
Easter Vigil at 8pm - Starts in the Courtyard
March 31st - Easter Day
Easter Mass at 10am

Service of Tenebrae Wednesday, April 5 at 7:00pm
One of the liturgies that has for centuries been part of the Catholic tradition of the church, but has somehow been neglected by some churches is the Service of Tenebrae, which is at present observed on Holy Wednesday by the Episcopal Church.Although Tenebrae has not been observed at All Saints’ San Diego for quite a number of years now, it would be a worthwhile addition to the liturgical richness and tradition of our local church, and we will be observing it this year.
Tenebrae is an office structured around psalms, readings, and responsories. Its distinctive ceremony includes the use of fifteen lighted candles (or seven in the shorter form we will be using), set on a special stand. One candle is extinguished as each of the appointed psalms is completed. The remaining candle, symbolic of Christ, is left lighted at the end of the final psalm. But it is carried away to be hidden, which signifies the apparent victory of the forces of evil.
A sudden loud noise in made at the end of the service, symbolizing the earthquake at Christ’s death. The lighted candle is then restored to its place, suggesting Christ’s eventual triumph.
Let us take part in this impactful and spiritually rich service on Holy Wednesday this year!

This Sunday, December 13, K~B Books
in be the courtyard after the Zoom Mass
When you come for communion after the Zoom service (use the back gate) Kathryn Bunch of K--B Books will be in the courtyard with her traveling book ministry. The focus will be Advent and Christmas. Come and choose that special Christmas gift for a child or an adult among the display of a wide range of books on many topics, advent calendars, 2021 calendars, CD’s, and puzzles.
Advance orders are welcome – contact Kathryn at 619-204-4039.
This Sunday and Beyond
Our weekly blog reflecting on the Sunday readings.
For All the Saints Newsletter
FATS December 2024 January 2025
Weekly News and Events at All Saints' Click Here
Events, News, Concerts, Sermons and Service Opportunities
If you are looking for a new parish home or just visiting San Diego come worship with us. All Saints' welcomes all and is eager to greet you personally. We are a warm, friendly, optimistic congregation.
Our weekly blog reflecting on the Sunday readings.
For All the Saints Newsletter
FATS December 2024 January 2025
Weekly News and Events at All Saints' Click Here
Events, News, Concerts, Sermons and Service Opportunities
All Saints' is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.
We are an Anglo-Catholic parish using Rite One of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
Our 8:00am Sunday service is a Low Mass without music providing a very reverent service.
Sunday School for ages 4–12 takes place during the 10:30am Solemn Mass and our Adult Formation Class at 9:30am is an open forum led by our Rector.
Our 10:30am service is a Solemn or a Solemn High Mass with full choir and organ, sung prayers, and incense.
Child care is available for children under 5 years of age during Sunday services.
Sunday School for ages 4–12 takes place during the 10:30am Solemn Mass and our Adult Formation Class at 9:30am is an open forum led by our Rector.
Our 10:30am service is a Solemn or a Solemn High Mass with full choir and organ, sung prayers, and incense.
Child care is available for children under 5 years of age during Sunday services.
Please join us in worship at one of our several services and Masses. Sunday Mass is at 10am in the church. The Sunday Mass is also live on Zoom and a recording will be posted on our Facebook page for those not able to join us in person.
If you are looking for a new parish home or just visiting San Diego come worship with us. All Saints' welcomes all and is eager to greet you personally. We are a warm, friendly, optimistic congregation.
Streamed Services
Click here to go to our YouTube channel
to watch recorded Sunday Masses.
Blessing of the Animals October 13th, 2024

See our Picture page for more event pictures
Visit the All Saints Instagram page for the most resent images: